This past week, my wife, Andrea, had some vegetables that we needed to use–some arugula and radish leaves (yes, the tops of the radish are edible). We recently became part of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group that supports local farmers who produce organic foods ( The co-op supports sustainable local practices. Believe me when [...]
Who’s ready to get stoned? Before you get to excited, check your local supply and laws. Just a little joke for my California people. I’ve been reading some stuff about Stone brewery this week and want to sip some of their stuff. It shouldn’t be too hard for anyone to find Stone’s Pale Ale. We [...]
Wow! Sometimes it really does hit you how connected some of us beer sites can be. Not only do we mutually inform each other’s opinions, perceptions, and information, we seem to really care for one another and hope for the others’ success. This has been especially true as of late. This will be a bit [...]
Let me be clear. I refuse to denigrate (i.e., blacken…pun intended) the reputation of the Bruery. Their beers are first rate and high class. My aim is not at all to criticize them in this post. I will certainly make some critical statements, but they do not reflect my thoughts about the Bruery itself. ***WARNING*** [...]
A recent twitter update caught my attention, as it triumphantly declared to the world that Americans are finally drinking more beer than wine. Houston, we have a problem. First of all, the tweeter had his facts wrong. Beer outsells wine in the US. Second, his source was a Canadian article from 2006 that actually stated [...]
The histories behind certain beers, while not necessarily enhancing the flavor, do enhance the experience. A beer created with arbitrary motives is sure to disappoint, but a beer created to please both the creator and the consumer may posses a slight advantage, as care and consideration were not neglected. The beer was not made just [...]
It is absolutely amazing to see the amount of work that goes into the beer making process. Doubly amazing is the fact that beer was an accidental discovery. After the grains were found to be edible, people quickly discovered that cooking/drying it gave a better flavor, greater degree of mallibitlity, and more stable shelf life. [...]
This is a very well received beer, and rarely disappoints neither the seasoned beer geek nor the cautious neophyte.
Saisons are some of the most summery beers in the world. When I drink one, I feel like winter’s cold breath should be thawing and Easter fast approaching. Something of an inner child in me makes this beer feel strangely reminiscent, although my beer consumption was a little less at age 6. It makes one [...]
Some beers are purchased on impulse, others out of fond appreciation, some because they are a Thank Heaven for Beer – Sip With Us Saturday beer, and others out of nostalgia. As for Warsteiner Dunkel, the latter two hold true in my case. Back in college as I started straying from cheap macro beers, Warsteiner [...]