This past week, my wife, Andrea, had some vegetables that we needed to use–some arugula and radish leaves (yes, the tops of the radish are edible).  We recently became part of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group that supports local farmers who produce organic foods (  The co-op supports sustainable local practices.  Believe me when I tell you that the amount of produce we get is more than adequate to last for the week.  At any rate, I hate the idea of wasting something that is edible, so I determined to use some of the stuff we had in the fridge.  I decided to make a soup using some of our vegetables and was surprised just how good it turned out to be.  As result, I’ve decided to post what I came up with, in case there are any takers.

Sour Beer Soup:

  • 1 cup sour beer (save the rest for pairing)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 10-15 radish leaf tops (coarsely chopped)
  • 1 bunch arugula (coarsely chopped)
  • 1 jalapeno (diced)
  • 1 medium onion (diced)
  • 1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
  • Dash of pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of boullion powder
  • 1 lb turkey or regular smoked sausage (sliced in 1/4″ thick circles)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

Sautee the onion in the olive oil until it softens and caramelizes slightly.  Once the onions are ready, add the jalapenos and garlic.  Cook for 5 minutes.  Add the meat and cook until hot and slightly browned. Add the boullion and pepper.  Cook for 2 minutes.  Add your beer and cook until simmering nicely.  Add the water, Arugula, and Radish leaves.  Cook until the leaves are wilted and softened.  Adjust liquids to reduce or increase saltiness, depending on personal preference.  Try dropping a little thyme in there, too.  Enjoy!

If you want a more sour version, add a tablespoon of vinegar.  Cabbage would also be a nice addition or replacement.