Sip With Us Saturday | The Reverend

Beer and spirituality are unavoidable, don’t you agree? Countless monasteries throughout the middle ages developed and preserved the art of quality beer brewing at the hands of pious priests and monks.  Martin Luther, the reformer (or heretic, depending on where you live in some parts) was a homebrewer. So in honor of American Craft Beer [...]

Beer and Babes

While perusing through an exhaustive compilation of beer blogs last night, I saw one that piqued my interest:  Taking The Beard Out Of Beer.  Hmmmm…has someone discovered the secret ingredient in my homebrew? In all seriousness, I have found it fascinating that in this great American mass of consumers, shopping carts guided by males carry [...]

Craft Beer Gets the Colbert Bump

It is no secret to those who have drunk the kool-aid (code for beer) and joined the clandestine community of beer lovers that this week (May 11th – 17th) is officially American Craft Beer Week. “Aaaaagggghhhh.” That was me breathing a sigh of relief of not being guilted into heading down to the Hallmark shop [...]

Beer and Cheese

Unlike many a beer geek I know, I am not racist again wine snots lovers.  Actually, I have ten bottles of wine in my house right now, although, they remain full.  But why must the wine connoisseur  have all the good food associated with their beverage?  Namely, I am thinking of cheese. Let it be [...]

Embarking on a Journey

Hey all, I’m (Mike) going to be gone for the next two weeks.  I’ll be looking for some serious fodder for the website.  When I come back, I’ll have a ton to write about.  My wife and I are going to Europe for the next couple weeks, and pubs are big part of the plan [...]

Delirium Tremens Review

Before tasting a beer, I almost always look up reviews of the beer beforehand just to see what others’ thought of it.  I refrain from doing this afterward, so as not to unconsciously regurgitate another reviewer’s writing.  So, before drinking Tremens, I did the usual and looked up some opinions on the beer, and was [...]

Hacker-Pschorr’s Sternweisse

As the bottle and the name indicates, this beer’s name means “White Star.” I really liked the shape, look, and qualities of the bottle. It was one of those stand-out on the shelf bottles that I was drawn to. According to the Hacker-Pschorr website, this beer combines the different qualities of lighter and darker wheat [...]

Fraoch Heather Ale

It has been emphasized to the point of redundancy on this site, that beer is more than just a beverage, a thirst quencher, or mood enhancer:  It is an experience.  At times, this experience invades every part of our lives.  We think about beer, we dream about beer, we brew beer.  Beer even makes my [...]

Enough with the remakes: Another Tirade

Does anyone listen to the radio? I try to avoid it like the plague. Why? I’m tired of hearing the same old songs. Now that everybody else is tired of hearing the same old songs, there’s a new brilliant idea that has come up: remake the same old songs with different people. Let’s hear their [...]

Crown on Friday: Uerige Sticke and Brasserie Dieu Du Ciel! Rosee d’Hibiscus

I can’t believe that I get to do this. Actually, I can’t believe that you’re not coming if you live near Avon. Once again, I have to thank Crown and Cavalier for letting me have some free beer to share with you. Hopefully, you can make it out Friday to taste these two beers. The [...]

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