This particular beer is a Belgian Triple Blonde Ale and the only one that I’ve tried from Green’s brewing. I had this a couple of nights ago, which gave me a few days to process the brew. By the way, it is gluten free…some of you will be happy about this. Like the name indicates, the beer [...]
Not your average Wheat beer. Schneider and Sohn’s makes a very nice lines of beers, which are not necessarily conventional. There are so many good beers that come out of Germany, especially Bavaria, it is hard to call one great. However, this particular brew is one example of German beers at their finest. This beer is [...]
Seeing as how winter officially starts in a couple days, we chose to drink this beer. For my part, winter is not really welcome, but I’ll make the best of it. This brewery still uses many traditional brewing methods. For some information about Samuel Smith’s brewing methods and to see about this beer, check out this site. [...]
Working at a wealth management firm that deals in securities, I am ever more aware of the sharp slump in the economy. It gets depressing! In fact, just the other day I was viewing a chart from Dow Theory Letters that showed the daily advance or retreat that the DOW has taken for the past [...]
It’s been quite a long time since I have had any of the Chimay Ales. At the time that I drank them, I knew they had a reputation of being very good beers. As time goes on, you develop your palate and taste stuff very differently. I imagine that I’ll taste this even a little differently in five years. One thing [...]
Thank you for giving me this beer, Matt. I really do appreciate trying a new beer, even if I don’t like it. Unfortunately, I have to say this about Leinenkugel’s Berry Weiss. They do have some other beers that I like much better than this one (their Oktoberfest is an example). Here is a review [...]
Doing this review is certainly one of the least Bourgeoisie things I’ve done. Imagine paying anywhere from $160-$230 dollars for a 24 ounce bottle of beer, even if it does come in a hand-crafted vessel. Now it is true that different boys like different toys, so I feel a little better in that respect. I spend [...]
Dissecting the smells of Victory’s prima pilsner was a little difficult. Perhaps the sinus infection blocking my nostrils has something to do with this though. In general terms, it smelled like a hopped up Pabst Blue Ribbon. A citrusy hoppy mixed with an earthy maltiness is the best I can do. The pour was beautiful…crisp [...]
I don’t know about you, dear reader, but in my neck of the woods, winter has nested in an set up his home for the next several months. The older I get, the less I like cold things, including my beer. While proper serving temperature varies depending on the type of beer, it should never [...]
It’s been a while, but we’re getting around to writing about Ales. If you want to know what distinguishes an Ale from a Lager, check out this article. Basically, it breaks down in terms of where and how fermentation takes place. Many people assume that when we are talking about Ales, we are talking about [...]