The Gift of Beer

I really do love the Christmas season…the majority of individuals, despite a wretched economy, allow their mood and general good will to elevate. That woman at Walmart–stubbornly blocking the tight aisle with her cart and large body–moves out of the way without my exacerbated sighs. The teller at the bank pretends to be interested in [...]

Middle of the week review: Bison Gingerbread Ale

In continuation of our Christmas beer binge, I’m posting about this Bison Christmas Ale.  As I might have mentioned before, a lot of Christmas Ales tend to be very spiced, which can be a real turn-off.  So, let me say that some beers we try will probably be this way.  However, this Bison beer is [...]

Drink with us Friday: Corsendonk Christmas Ale review

Merry Christmas indeed!  I really enjoyed drinking this Corsendonk beer, and here is my review of it. Visual: This beer was a very deep reddish-brown with a good, long head retention.  It looked a lot like a normal Belgian brown ale in the glass. There was a lot going on in the aroma of the [...]

Spam: What’s worse the meat or the e-mail?

Normally we only talk about beer on this site.  For a moment I want to have a harangue about spam.  This is related to the site because it is happening on Thank Heaven for Beer.  When I get a little bit of spam on my e-mail, it doesn’t bother me that much.  I erase it.  My [...]

Japanese Space Beer–Sapporo

When they are not busy infiltrating American automotive markets, making crazy violent animated movies, or developing robots who promise to be your best friend, the Japanese busy themselves with making the most ridicuously expensive beer you could dream of…space beer. Using barley only grown in the International Space Station hundreds of miles above the surface [...]

Drink with Us Friday: Corsendonk Christmas Ale

Like I said a few weeks ago, Christmas is coming.  Because Christmas is coming, we are going to be drinking some Christmas beers.  We are actually hoping to do a drink it with us everyday at some point during the season.  The first beer of our Christmas list will be Corsendonk’s Christmas Ale.  This Ale hails [...]

Middle of the Week Review: Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock

Last night I drank this beer that I’ve not had for about 4 years.  I remembered really enjoying it at the time, especially with a friend and some Davidoff cigars.  It went excellently with those smokes. Samuel Adam’s Chocolate Bock is considered one of their extreme beers, if you look at their website.  They have [...]

Style Series:The Log of Lagers

This article has been a while in the making.  Part of the reason for the delay is that I was not quite sure how to address the rest of the Lager family of beers.  After a considerable amount of deliberation on the subject, I’ve decided to put them together.  As I’ve said at numerous points in [...]

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