Gaspar 2003

This beer is fairly well known because it is atypical of a Belgian beers.  Belgians are known for their hop restraint.  Lambics even use stale hops that have had the acid degraded over time.  Not Gaspar.  In fact, the claim is that this beer has 115 IBUs of hops.  IBUs are international bitter units.  As [...]

I Know a Cane can be used in Beer…but for Drinking Beer?

I’m probably a bit late on chiming in about this one, but I found it so disturbing that I just had to post about it. Here is the situation: a mother of two and part-time model from Singapore will be the first woman to be caned under Islamic law.  Two years ago, Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno [...]

Who let the Sipping with us Saturday Dogs out?

Yes, I know that is an old, overused, and Disney-cameo-riddled reference.  I couldn’t resist.  Saturday we are having our normal Sip it with us Day, and we will be having something from Flying Dog (so, that makes sense of the reference that I made).  Hopefully, many of you have access to Flying Dog’s Gonzo Imperial [...]

When Size doesn’t Matter

Relax, beanie weenies…I’m not talking about anyone’s junk in this article.  Once again, I’m actually ranting a bit, a not too surprising denouement to this literary plot called life.  No, I want to address something that I think all of us beer drinkers experiences from time to time: selection.  When I say selection, I mean [...]

Unibroue Seigneuriale

Lord of the manor, larger powers, or independent.  All of these words could be used to describe Unibroue’s position in the Canadian market.  Really, I gave you the definition of what the word Seigneuriale means, although it could be what this brewery is.  Unibroue is located in French Quebec Canada and is a fairly sizable [...]

A Terrible Beer Review

Terrible (man I love saying that) pours dark and black into the glass. It looks like a thin stout, except for the fantastic carbonation. The head wasted no time indisappearing, leaving a sticky resin and great design work on the inside of the glass.


Marmite is made of yeast extract. Well, to be exact, it is yeast waste (as you will see in Bob’s article and in the comments section) and actually, dead yeast.

Looking forward, not behind

Frequently, we post on our blogs about our favorite beers of the week, months, or years.  I love finding out what people really love and have had to drink.  But the nostalgia of this type of writing makes me anxious to create new possibilities for favorite beers, which is why I like that people post [...]

Lost Abbey Judgment Day: Sip with us Saturday…on Sunday

I have to profusely apologize about not having a Saturday beer up here.  There is no excuse.  This only leads me to restate what I wanted to say before: we will be posting a list of the future “Sip with us Saturday” beers on the site.  Everyone will have time to find and procure the [...]

Great Divide Yeti Espresso Oak Aged Imperial Stout

That was a mouth-full to write.  Was this beer a mouth-full, too.  I’m dying to try the chocolate version. Great Divide is one of those breweries, at least for me, that I tend to really like or really dislike their stuff. Let’s see about this one. The Aroma: Yeti had a fat, black body with [...]

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