How Dumb are Bud Light Drinkers? Part One

Being in an incendiary mood on occasion can get me in trouble.  However, this is our site and we know our readers well enough that I’m comfortable with writing this type of post.  So, without further ado, here is what I have to say.  How dumb are Bud Light drinkers really? During the course of [...]

The World’s Best Pumpkin Beer

I make no bones about it:  I hate pumpkin beer.  That doesn’t mean pumpkin beer deserves abolition, I personally just do not like pumpkin beer.  That aside, I’ve come to realize I am truly a beer savant and felt it my duty to inform the masses that I discovered the world’s greatest pumpkin beer.  Since [...]

“Crafting” Lies: The New Marketing Approach of the Big Boys

Craft beer drinkers enjoy their brews.  The variety of flavor combinations, style interpretations, and the sheer variety in the world of craft beer is simply astounding.  It is a veritable world of snowflakes and fingerprints; no two craft beers are exactly the same.  Why? Care and concern of what a beer tastes like drives the [...]

We’ve Found Your DREAM Vehicle

What you drive can say a lot about you.  I rock a Nissan Quest Minivan.  The carpet is hidden beneath layers of graham cracker crumbs, the windows are mired in finger prints, and back to rows of seats boast some wicked Graco childs’ car seats.  No, I’m not a rock star (your shocked, right), I’m [...]

That’s a Tough Act to Follow

I really wanted to write this profound article about beer and connect with people.  The specific post I wanted to put up pertained to meeting Bix Tex and how we connected, hung out, and spent some cool (but brief time) together.  However, he beat me to the punch, so I’m now pulling my own.  The [...]

Beer and Networking

It’s been a bit of a long week.  I had Saturday off this week (but not really) but had to head to San Diego for work on Sunday…I’m looking forward to the weekend.  I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of conferences and navigating social relationships. However, besides connections that will [...]

Will The Real Beer Expert Please Stand Up

Stop.  Go back and sing the title of this post to the tune of Eminem’s “will the real slim shady please stand up.” Ok, now we’re ready to talk beer…A while back I wrote a confessional of an article that proposed that many of the beloved beer reviews floating across the Internet are laden with [...]

Crap Beer On A Train In Croatia

In a recent article, Mike described how the right setting and it’s ambiance can make a beer drinking experience that much better. In fact, he stated that drinking a Spaten Oktoberfest (a good, but certainly not mind-blowing beer) in Yosemite National Park made the beer one of the best he’d ever had. As soon as [...]

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