Mull it Over

Now that it’s getting cold out…cold enough for here…how about some warm beer?  I visited Idaho over Thanksgiving and am still fighting off the bone chills.  When we got back, I got some brew and decided to warm it up a bit.  People mull wine all the time.  Why not beer? A few years back [...]

The beer world

Hello!  Yes, we still exist.  Yes, I plan on making some time to write.  Does it sound too prideful to assume people want to read something we have to say? Well, plenty has been happening for the past two months, so there has been a slowing of posts here on thankeavenforbeer.  I’ve been brewing every [...]

Beer: The Intellectual’s Drink of Choice

Unfortunately, beer is still regarded as a slovenly drink consumed by low brow, knuckle dragging meat heads.  Personally, I believe this stereotype has it’s roots in the prejudices of the past and in modern marketing.  When waves of poor immigrants (i.e. German or Irish) came to the United States, out of necessity, they built breweries [...]


Part of the reason I love to brew so much is that I love to cook; and vice versa.  I especially love to cook certain dishes that involve aspects of fermentation.  So, you’ll notice that I have posted occasional articles that are food related.  A few hits of the past have been calzones, Murphy’s Irish [...]

How does a brewer know how much booze is in his booze?

Nearly every time I share a homebrew with someone–after they bow down at my feet and praise me for making such a glorious creation–inevitably, they ask me:  “How do you determine how much alcohol is in this work art?”  Seriously, I am posed this question at least monthly.  As I explain and begin throwing out [...]

“B Is for Beer” Book Review

I suppose a book, much like a pint of beer, belongs partly in the realm of “subjective” as we all have different stylistic leanings.  However, much like a pint of beer, a book can be empirically held to a standard.  Think I’m wrong?  Then why do you prefer that fancy craft beer in your fridge [...]

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