Review of Dark Horse Perkulator Coffee Doppelbock

As promised, I’m reviewing another Dark Horse product. We’ve already done their One, Too, Tres and Sapient Trip. I figure that we ought to keep things rolling along with their coffee Doppelbock. I’ve actually begun to really like this brewery, so you’re going to keep seeing more. Let me tell you that I also drank [...]

How to Brew Series number 4: Possible Recipes

In this post, we’re going to offer some possible beers that you can brew. We can’t do them all, so we’re posting just a couple of styles. The other thing that we’re going to do is stick to ales, since lagers are a bit of a different animal. Additionally, we are assuming that you’ve decided [...]

Review of Dark Horse Tres Blueberry Stout

This is one of several Dark Horse products that we’ve reviewed on the site. Specifically, this is the third in a series of Stouts that counts to three.   One and Too are actually on one review and are worth looking at.  Tres is obviously the third in the series. We’ve also done their Sapient Trip, [...]

Top ten signs that you’re a beer geek

Number 10: Style or “current type” obsession This level of geekdom can really be one of the most annoying. With the style or “current type” obsession, the beer geek argues the merits and superiority of the favorite type. “IPAs are just so much better because of the crazy amount of hops; that’s why I’ve had [...]

How to Brew Series Number 3: Got your stuff? Get some ingredients.

Now that you know what equipment you need in order to brew, you need something to actually make in it. As I’ve said before, beer can be done numerous ways. What sort of ingredients do you want to get? Like equipment, ingredients can be bought as a kit. These are pre-made styles that are intended [...]

How to brew Series Number 2: What are you going to need?

Now that we’ve discussed what types of brewing you can do, what are you going to need in order to do it? I’ve tried to highlight what you will need. This picture has some glass fermenters, airlocks below, racking canes and wort chillers (both upper left) A Kit: Brew supply stores almost always have ready-made [...]

Sip With Us Saturday | Hebrew Messiah Bold

In light of my favorite celebration of the year, we will be indulging in a most fitting libation this Saturday, Hebrew Messiah Bold.  Yes I know we may be acting a bit insensitive here.  We know that there are plenty of folks out there that either don’t appreciate this holiday perhaps as much as we [...]

How to Brew Series Number 1: What types of brewing can you do?

As promised, we are starting up our series on how to brew beer at home. Numerous people have expressed a profound interest in this subject. But where do we start? I thought some preliminaries should be put into place before we get ahead of ourselves. Before you go any further, it would behoove you to [...]

Beer Dictionary: Beer Snob VS. Beer Geeks

Language can be twisted and turned into a semantic nightmare to the point that a negative term can be manipulated and utilized for positive purposes and vice-versa.  For example.  BAD ASS (sorry…I really don’t curse…this just came to mind).  Two negative terms twisted by pop culture to mean COOL.  “That car is BAD ASS” actually [...]

How to Brew Series: Launch

As we promised in February, we are going to post about homebrewing. We are finally ready to go. Let me tell you, between work, writing normally for this blog, and drinking new beers (I only have a complaint about the first on this list), it took a fair amount of time to write the seven [...]

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