I feel a bit like Doogie Howser Dark Lord, M.D.  Herein lies my diary for purchasing tickets:  I should be sleeping.  Why am I awake right now?  I’m waiting to get some Dark Lord “Golden Tickets” from Three Floyds.  What else can be done?  With an imminent move to California, I can’t expect to be around for next year.  Who wants to pay more than double the price on Ebay?  Don’t take this as just a complaint.  Many good things in life require waiting and patience.  So, I’m just telling the reader that I’m waiting.

The only thing that would make a wait like this disappointing is if I didn’t get any tickets, which is the only way to guarantee the chance to get a “set number” of bottles.  No one quite knows what this means yet since Three Floyds hasn’t released their yields.  But my success or failure in this mission is going to be the difference in me being snappy and tired or just being tired in the a.m.  I’m actually going to finish this article with the results of the mission but am killing time while I wait.  Join me on this journey.    

The really weird thing is that I feel like I’m waiting in a virtual line.  There will certainly be some actual line waiting when April 25th, 2009, comes, but the virtual wait is much stranger.  I guess I could find some virtual friends to stand in line with, but it lacks the real experience that will (hopefully) happen on April 25th.  It’s 10:26…I’ll visit again in a little bit.

12:39:  Still waiting.  I’m really hoping that they don’t wait past 2 or 3 in the morning.  It could make for a long day.  I wonder who else is sitting up waiting for that moment of tickets sales.  Some poor fool out there didn’t register and is going to be sorely disappointed when he gets to the brewery.  Anybody out there who has been going to Dark Lord Day for a long time: what was it like when it started?  I’m sure there wasn’t always this sort of mania involved.

2:02:  I’m beginning to think that Three Floyds is not revolving around my schedule.  They said that most people should have an e-mail waiting for them when they wake up to go to work.  I hope they considered the state that they brew in.

3:45:  This is tiring!  I’m hoping this wait pays off…I’ve got to be to work at 10:00 a.m.

5:00  Where is this thing?!  I don’t even think that I’m tired anymore; I can’t really tell.  I have to say that I’m thrilled about getting a ticket.

5:30ish:  The sales opened up, and I jumped on as fast as I could.  Click here, click there, fill this in, fill that in…send!  Got it!  I was actually able purchase two tickets…

Later today:  The tickets to Dark Lord Day sold out within four hours.  After I bought mine, I went to sleep for about three hours.  I’m going to make a big to-do on the site about the day.  Nate and I will both be there, so you can expect some serious coverage to be taking place on April 25th.  

4:00:  Got home from work and checked the Dark Lord site again.  They state on the site that the “first die-hard fan” purchased a ticket within three minutes of the sales opening.  I think I might have been that very tired die-hard person…we’ll have to see if I’m a huge fan in about a month.  My purchase time: 5:25 and 11 seconds.