WLP 568 Review: Saison Blend

From what I understand, White Labs uses quite a bit of Dupont yeast in their Saison strains.  Of course, Dupont is the most widely popular and famous Saison that comes to mind when I hear the style mentioned, so that’s not a bad situation at all.  For my part, I was brewing a Saison that [...]

Washington Beer Tax & Sour Grapes

I nearly choked on my craft beer as I read this news-blog article’s title and ensuing body: Beer tax:  Why nail Pabst and not ‘high falutin’ microbrews? Are Washington’s Democratic state lawmakers microbrew drinking, Merlot swilling elitists? At a news conference Tuesday Gov. Chris Gregoire was asked to comment on the relative fairness of taxing [...]

Kentucky Breakfast Stout and Old Rasputin XII

Pay attention, because I’m “coming out of the closet” in a beer fanatic sort of way.  I’m not talking about my sexuality, but my brewality.  I just might be an anomaly in the world of beer geeks:  I am not a huge fan of bourbon aged beers.   I like bourbon.  I like beer.  But [...]

Dark Lord Day Bottle Limit

Read no further if you don’t care about Dark Lord Day.  Well, have you gotten your Dark Lord tickets?  I have.  It seems that nothing is definite just yet; we don’t know what we’ll be able to get with them.  If you look at the muddled script on the Dark Lord Day ticket, you will [...]

Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

As I’ve mentioned on other posts, this brew is a reincarnation of Stone’s 11th anniversary Ale.  From what I understand, people clamored until Stone starting making this beer on a regular basis (I guess the squeaky wheel does get the grease after all; the black grease beer, that is).  Other sites defer by calling this [...]

UPS Shipping Policy Garbage

My friends at Beer & Whiskey Bros have inspired me to apprise our readers of the inconsistencies in policy that companies like UPS and FedEx hold.  A facebook fan page has been set up in order to have policy changed.  Essentially, it breaks down like this: UPS & FedEx will ship wine but not beer. [...]

Craft Brewer Boob

Craft beer people are some of the best human beings on the planet.  My interview with The Bruery, interactions with people at the Lost Abbey, and the fact that Phil at Skyscraper gave me (although it was brief because of monetary issues) an opportunity to work in a micro setting, show that I’m the first [...]

Slick Rick Brew Trick

I’m not sure how many of you make starters for your beers, especially the bigger ones, but I do.  Some of you have been brewing for some time and others are just starting out, so you might be looking for how to make a starter, so here’s a post about how and why to make [...]

Sip With Us Saturday: Bourbon Aged Beer

Sip With Us Saturday was started to reinforce the bonds that exist between like minded beer drinkers.  Whether out with friends on a Saturday night, or alone at home, it is nice to know that the beer in your hand is at the same moment being enjoyed by a friend who very well be at [...]

How to Make a Yeast Starter

For some reason, I thought we’d already written a post on this very topic, but to my surprise, I couldn’t find it. So, I’ve decided to write down a very brief tutorial on the subject of making a yeast starter—or at least how I do it. For those of us who brew, we’ve often seen [...]

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