By now, I’m sure many of us have seen that there has been a sort of call to arms to purchase, rent, or peddle the Beer Wars movie.  So, what are we waiting for?  Look, there are aspects of the movie that we could all site as being selective, whatever other criticisms we might have.  But I think the thing that we can all agree on is that monopolies are bad unless you are playing the Parker Brothers version and land on a fully loaded Free Parking spot.

Here’s the thing: the basic message deals with the fact the all aspects of the market place are dominated by the big boys. Distribution independence is a rare commodity, and everyone is in bed with the big players.  I wish that I was simply being hyperbolic like I love to be, but the issue is real.  I remember a while back that a certain other website was grousing about not being able to get Stone while they were planning a new facility in Europe.  But maybe the fingers could have been better spent pointing right down the street at Budweiser.  Either way, fair distribution and a level playing field are veritable impossibility.

Have you ever complained about not being able to get certain beers?  Me, too.  There are a myriad of reasons why you might not be able to get a beer.  A brewery might just not be big enough.  Maybe there are simply a finite amount of possibilities.  Maybe you can see the beer at eye level (a point made in the movie).  But maybe, just maybe, the distribution is just not there.  Either way, is craft beer awareness a bad thing?  Is putting a dent in the wallet and mullet (NASCAR reference) of an empire such a bad thing? Click and read the original apologetic for the movie.  And purchase it.  I’m answering the call to action as many ways as possible.