Manland is a site that has really supported us, especially for knowing us such a brief time.  We have a banner on their site and the picture you see is one of the blog owners sporting the best shirt that ever existed (it’s our shirt).  So many people are helping us to become a better and more popular blog.

There are too many to thank, but I’ll mention one more specifically: Briang.  That’s all I know about this person.  I search for our site on Google once in a while to see where we stand. When I noticed we were on in a discussion thread, I just had to look.  How humbling, how shocking, and gratifying to see something that I wrote what seems like a long time ago as someone’s quote on the thread.  I tried to comment on the thread to thank this person but found that I had restricted access…why register at all?  Anyway, I want to tell you, Briang, that I am thrilled and gratified that you considered something I said as quote worthy.  The quote itself had to do with the nature of beer being more than an inebriate and with beer drinkers waking up to the experience of drinking good beer.

I am continually humbled when I see that our site is spread around by people who love it.  It’s crazy where you see your site on the internet.  I think Nate will agree.  Thank all of you so much for all that you do…you make our site.  I can’t say enough how great it is to have good and faithful readership. (I can’t believe someone quoted me.  Wow!)