Sip With Us Saturday

Sip with us Saturday is the new Drink With Us Friday. When we launched this blog, we had many objectives (many of which we still have not figured out). Two of those were to, 1)  Expand folks known universe of beer, and 2)Develop a time when we could all enjoy a beer together even if [...]

Review of Rochefort 6 Trappistes

Having already reviewed Rochefort 10 and 8, I felt compelled to go ahead and drink another Trappist Ale. Don’t feel bad for my sacrifice, it’s all part of the job!  This is the last (or first, depending on how you look at it) of the three Ales that are made by Rochefort.  In terms of [...]

Review of Old Thumper Extra Special Ale

I always love a good English Ale, even when I am a bit surpised at the contents of the bottle. The style of ale that Old Thumper falls into, ESB, tends to be a stronger, more bitter beer.  Usually there is a bit of a bite to it.  Typically, they have a higer alcohol content [...]

Beer Tasting Party

I’m encouraged about the current movement of our beer culture in America.  When I’m working in the liquor store, customer after customer will come in getting Bud, Coors, and a plethora of other sub-average beers. But more and more customers are spending time looking at the craft section and asking about the beers. (By the [...]

What’s your favorite beer?

Who else has difficulty with this one? I’ve been asked this on numerous occasions by numerous people but am never able to come up with a satisfactory answer. Why? I’m finding the more beers I drink, the more difficulty ends up being had in answering this question. Perhaps that is not an inherently bad thing. [...]

Kid Rock Beer

Somewhere in a corporate office in Denver, Co, a bewildered executive in a corner office is scratching his head trying to figure out what his company, Coors, did to elicit the portrayal of once front-man, Robert James Ritchie, AKA Kid Rock.  And somewhere in Toledo, OH a beer loving family man is scratching his head [...]

Drink with us Friday: Old Thumper Extra Special Ale by Ringwood Brewery

Ringwood Brewery is an Extra Special Ale, which usually indicates an upping in grain content, hops, alcohol content. This one may be all three or a combination of a couple of these “ups.” Part of it’s name comes from the fact that it is 5.6%, which bring extra duty (cost) because of the fact that [...]

All that’s gold is not gold: The winning of medals in the beer industry

Here is another installment of “I’ve been randomly annoyed” posts. Have you seen it? I know I have. You’re perusing your favorite liquor (or even better, beer store) and you see the beer case, box, or bottle with some mad bling donned on its grill. The box says something like this: “El Rancho County Fair [...]

Review of Dark Horse Sapient Trip

This is the third beer that I’ve reviewed from Dark Horse Brewery, and I plan to do a few more (I’ve already reviewed their One and Too). I’m finding that I like their beer more each time I drink it. This might be my favorite thing by them so far. As the name implies, they [...]

Beer On A Budget, Genesee Bock Beer

Apparently, beer consumption is finally taking a hit due to our consequential economy.  In fact, InBev (anhueser-busch) published a 40% dive in fourth quarter adjusted sales.  Yikes…I wonder if they will be hitting up our federal sugar daddy anytime soon?  However, craft beer and microbrewery sales (in general) showed 4% growth after rounding out 2008. [...]

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