Right after I Posted it

I am swelling with pride.  As I noted yesterday, I love sharing beer with people.  The experience of teaching someone to brew is especially satisfying to me.  Of course, the purpose of that post was simply to encourage others to share experiences with beer and to be an encouragement along the beer journey. Fast forward a [...]

Beer Sharing

Few things on earth give me more joy than brewing and drinking the beer that I make.  Flying solo or drinking it with my wife is a more than sufficient means of enjoyment as far as I’m concerned.  Yet, there is nothing like sharing brew with family, friends, and acquaintances. I love the thrill of [...]

…And we’re back!

Well, there’s isn’t much to say concerning the last few months other than the fact that it was a blur.  Nate and I reached our goal of $40,000 on Kickstarter and are moving toward opening up the brewery (victory!).  It will be a long and rewarding journey.  Our recent activity hasn’t exactly been kind to [...]

The Wilderness isn’t Lonely at all

Well, as many of our readers might have noted, we are nearing the end of our campaign.  Even as I write this we have 69 hours to go. $25,081 has been raised.  Our goal is $40,000.  As you may be able to tell, we have a lot of support…but we also have a ways to [...]

Hardcore IPA – Typical Is Contextual

There once was a time when I exerted a LOT of effort searching out beer stores, trying to find the next greatest beer.  This practice subsided–nearly stopped–when I realized the next greatest beer was the one brewed in my driveway.  That being said, I still get a huge kick when I stumble upon a store [...]

Re-Kickstart: An Update and Appeal

Hey, everyone.  Nate and I are down to 20 days in the campaign.  That might sound like a long time but it really isn’t.  So, this is an update that we’ve raised almost $16,000/40% of our funds.  That really isn’t to shabby and the truth is that we a little behind where we would like [...]

Pilsner and the Confluence of History:The “Discovery” of Yeast

This article picks up where the last one left off, so please take a look at the last post to get a bit of orientation concerning the rest of the discussion.  The first post covers the fact that changes in roasting technique played a role in the history of pilsner.  This post attempts to cover [...]

On the move in the Wilderness

Wednesday.  I cannot believe that it’s come so quickly.  Andrea and I are moving to Kansas City in less than a week and we are excited about the prospects that are open to us.  For that reason, I thought it was time for a couple of updates.  The first update is the one I just [...]

Meeting People is Easy

Now that we are wrapping up our time in California, I have begun to reflect on where it is I’m leaving and where it is I’m going.  I do not keep it a secret that L.A. life really is not for me.  Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying. After all, I’m going to miss the cultural [...]

Some Thoughts about Taste

“I don’t like it.”  Who has not uttered this phrase? Chances are that you and every person you know has expressed this sentiment when tasting one food or another, even saying it about a particular beer.  That’s bad, no good, this stinks, I’d rather swill brake fluid.  Chances are that you and every person you [...]

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