Well, looks like Erik made it. Is there some hope for the rest of us moping slobs? It looks like Nate and I have a firm hope of raising some money through a site like kickstarter.com (eventually). Meantime, donations to Erik’s project made a roaring surge into and past his projected fundraising mark. Allow me, and Nate as well, to offer the sincerest and most hopeful congratulations that our hearts can muster. I am personally motivatedly jealous. What you have done, Erik, is great and it lights a fire under my arse. I’m excited for your future and wish you nothing but the best. We will be rooting for and promoting your success on this site.
Folks, one of the great things about Erik’s fundraising is that he can exceed the amount given and add it to further his success. I’ve personally been out of for for 3 1/2 months (I do have a temp job and have an interview tomorrow), so I’ve not been able to give. However, I plan on giving some money before his fundraising ends. Please go to his fund page and do the same. Let’s help him to more than succeed. It’s no mystery that we can be a part of it.
Hey – thanks again guys.
I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again over and over again: If there’s anything that I can do to help you on your way to a brewery, let me know.
Thanks. I’m sure that we will be picking your brain and hitting you up along the way. We are just thrilled to know that you are making it and that it’s possible for us.
Oh, it’s possible. You gotta work your butt off, but if you’re willing to do that then anything is within reach.
YES! That’s great news and very cool to see a bunch of strangers (mostly I’m assuming) help out. YES! YES! YES!
I am glad to be a backer of someone who has the passion for beer creation like Erik does.
Thanks to all who gave for Erik. I imagine us being the ones who do this sort of thing some day and we wanted to promote one of the hustlers who made it. I had an interview today and hope to have a permanent job soon (i’ll be supporting still).
[...] Twitter: https://thankheavenforbeer.com/2010/07/14/the-mystery-begins-a-new-brewer-is-born/ [...]