This guest series has actually been written by Howard, a reader and frequent commenter/educator here on Thank Heaven for Beer. Since his experience far outweighs ours, we thought it only fitting to open up the floor. Thanks Howard! BIF stands for Beer It Forward, which is just like the movie “Pay it Forward”, but with [...]
At the fault of one momentarily delinquent city (Detroit) Michigan, unfortunately catches the brunt end of way too many jokes, when it in fact has a lot to offer, especially when it comes to beer. There is rich and vibrant German heritage that speckles mid and northern Michigan. In fact instead of serving Chicken Cordon [...]
For the most part, the human tongue and its palate is a flexible organ. What I mean is, with time, determination, and awareness, off putting flavors can gradually become desirable. This is why pediatricians recommend that parents introduce their children to a wide range of food early on. If all a child ate from infancy [...]