What’s your beer made of? (Part II)

I have already addressed some things about water in the previous post.  Let’s address grains.  Grains are the next integral part of what makes a beer.  When fermented beverages were first discovered they were only sporadic in nature.  It wasn’t until humans moved from nomadic life to agrarian life that “beer” was truly discovered (as [...]

Drink With Us Friday|Brooklyn Brewery–Monster Barleywine

Have a drink with us this Friday. Go purchase your Brooklyn Brewery Monster Barleywine RIGHT NOW!

What’s your beer made of?

I’m writing this article to speak a little about the four ingredients in a beer.  Simple enough, right?  Maybe not.  Many or most of us may know that a beer is made from water, grains, hops and yeast.  What many of us may not know is the role that each of these plays in beer.  I [...]

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