Here is Friday’s beer. You may be able to find it in a single bottle. In all likelyhood, you will have to buy a sixer. Find a friend or two to split the cost and share the experience (and website) with. I have not had this beer lately, but I’m sure that it will be more on the malty side. If you want to know a little about Oktoberfest click the link. We’ll be posting a review and hope you do, too.
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[...] beer_scientist wrote a fantastic post today on “Drink with us Friday| Spaten Oktoberfest”Here’s ONLY a quick extractHere is Friday’s beer. You may be able to find it in a single bottle. In all likelyhood, you will have to buy a sixer. Find a friend or two to split the cost and share the experience (and website) with. I have not had this beer lately, … [...]