Schlafly makes some products that I really like and others that I consider just okay. Their stuff would be a lot easier to get if I still lived in Missouri, but you can’t be everywhere all at once. Their Bourbon Barreled Imperial Stout and Barley-wine are among the best of their products, so they do some things very well. What about their Oatmeal Stout?

When I poured this beer and began looking at it, I immediately thought that it looked more like a porter than a stout in color. I’m personally used to Oatmeal Stouts being pretty black. However, there was a nice creamy, light brown head on the beer (even if it was a little lighter than I’m used to).

Some nice grains and chocolate came through the beer, as well as having some touches of oat. Other than that, the beer wasn’t overly complex.

Tasting the beer was the only way to see if it was what I expect out of an Oatmeal Stout. It wasn’t! I think the dark roasted grain flavors and slight chewiness were just not enough for me. I like my oatmeal Stouts to be very full and rich. I love it when they are very oat driven. I did think that the grains had a nice chocolate quality to them. The beer was not bad, but it certainly didn’t live up to what I expect out of an Oatmeal Stout.

Mike’s Rating:

Overall Satisfaction: ★★★½☆ 

Among other Oatmeal Stouts: ★★★¼☆ 

Among other Stouts ★★★☆☆