This beer was part of a Drink with us Friday that we did a while back.  It was one of many options for that particular Friday.  The first product, from Fuller’s, that I reviewed on here was a Fuller’s Vintage Ale; that particular beer was five years-old.  That is just one of many fine products made by Fuller.

Fuller’s London Porter is one of the lightest Porters that we’ve reviewed to date.  It had a brownish-red body, which you could see through, and a light brown, creamy head. 

London Porter was dominated by the aromas of burnt grains and coffee overtones.  Hops were not really noticeable on the nose of the beer.  Also, some slight chocolate aromas were present.

When I sipped London Porter, it was full of burnt and dry grain flavors.  In addition, this was more coffee-oriented than any of the other Porters so far.  Even with the lightness, the brewers must have really used a fair amount of roasted barley or some other really dark grain.  Having said that, the body on this beer was thinner than most of the other Porters that we’ve reviewed.  Some chocolate tones were noticeable near the end of the finish.  But the beer was primarily full of dark grains, which worked its way into a semi-dry and slightly bitter finish.  Still a very nice beer. 

If you want a beer that emphasizes the roastiness of dark grains (as opposed to chocolate or a softer or biscuity quality), then this is the beer for you.

Mike’s Rating:

Overall Satisfaction: ★★★¾☆ 

Among Porter ★★★½☆