One of the real tricks to having a website is getting real interaction. Let me tell you guys and gals, we are extremely thankful for the beer community on our site. We get a lot of interaction from several people. That interaction is substantial and amazing. However, we want to get to know you more. You can learn a lot about people through various exercises. You can learn a lot about how people think and what their tendencies are just by asking them to complete a thought. Plus, I really like the idea that our readers are actually shaping and defining our content.
So, I had an idea (not sure if it’s going to flop or fly) that involves making a simple statement and then asking our readers to finish the thought. I think it will be fun and all of us will get to know each other better. Without further ado, here is the first statement.
“I love hops in a beer because they…”
…because they RAWK!
I love the aromas of the more citrusy hops… like Amarillo.
… balance or unbalance the beer. (Same could be said about Malt)
are the awesomeness! Their bitter sweet flavor makes a beer, and makes your taste buds stand up and take notice!
have such a variety of different aromas and flavors to impart into a beer.
Thanks to all of you. I think I love hops for the variety of what they can do. Some can bitter very well, some add aroma very well, some are good at both. They are an antiseptic and make beer a more stable product. They can be cheesy or they can be piney. They can add earthy, apricot, or even tea aromas to a beer. I love them because they range so widely.