Coming up soon, I’m going to start posting more pictures of the brews that we drink. We want to make the site more visually stimulating while maintaining the same great content. I have a ton of non-picture reviews stacked up, so I need to do those first. In order to make this happen, I’m going to be writing and posting a ton of beer reviews per day. I hope to start doing this in about a week. Be ready, everyone! I hope to post about 4 or 5 a day once I do get started. I’m already back-logged and don’t want to get even more in the hole. After that, I think I’ll be back to normal.

If you ever want to use any of those reviews that are sitting around collecting dust as guest posts on The Brew Club, the door is always open. Love to have you write something over here!
Absolutely. I would be honored, Scott. I’ll let you know when and I’ll send a couple that way at some point.
This is good since there are a number of awesome beers you guys review that I would love to see what they look like.