Dissecting the smells of Victory’s prima pilsner was a little difficult. Perhaps the sinus infection blocking my nostrils has something to do with this though. In general terms, it smelled like a hopped up Pabst Blue Ribbon. A citrusy hoppy mixed with an earthy maltiness is the best I can do.
The pour was beautiful…crisp golden with thin streams of carbonation dancing up to the surface, moderate head; maybe a centimeter or less, quickly dissipated into spotty lacing.
The taste. Alright…I was a bit surprised. Again, maybe it was the sinus infection, but it wasn’t quite as great as I was expecting. The favorable reviews (Men’s Journal rated this brew as one of the top 5 American beers) led me to believe I would be tasting liquid gold! Anyway, it was extremely dry, over-hopped, and overwhelmingly bitter. Don’t get me wrong, I love a bitter beer: Any regular reader of my reviews knows this. But I do enjoy it when brewers incorporate a subtle sweetness somewhere in the drinking experience of a bitter beer for balance.
Unfortunately, as per my nose suggested, the flavor reminded me of a batch of Pabst that had been botched by a drunk brewmaster who accidently knocked a load of citrus hops into the mix. As far as American Pilsners go, it is my opinion that Sam Adam’s Hallertau Imperial Pilsner, reviewed here a few months ago, beats out the Prima Pilsner by leaps and bounds. Don’t get me wrong…Victory puts out some good beer. I’m not bashing the brewery. Just the other day I thoroughly enjoyed their Golden Monkey golden ale.
Nonetheless, this beer can be a great stepping stone out of the world of conglomorated indutrial beer into the much tastier world of craft beer. Thoughts? Comments? Agree/ Disagree?
While it was some time age that i had this beer, I remember liking it, but not to the point that I would have a second, or was it a third??? Oh well.
Not bad, if it is your style, you’ll like it.
Yeah, that’s kind of how I felt. I polished off the pack for sure, but thought it was a bit hyped up.
Oh Yeah, I did see the review you left in the link to your name. I need to work out a rating system like your star system.
Its really very subjective – the rating system. You could probably make it even easier by giving it
smiley faces, or simply thumbs up/thumbs down!