We’re starting to see more and more brewing companies move to aluminum cans for brewing. As far as I know, Maui has always had their coconut porter in the can. I started re-visiting the world of canned beers and am sharing that experience.
The Pour: When I poured this coconut porter, it was immediately evident that it was a robust version (almost stout) of porter. The body was very dark and robust looking. The light brown fluffy head was well propped by an active body. At 5.7% ABV, this is not a particularly robust porter in terms of alcohol.
The Nose: What would a coconut porter be without redolence of coconut? There was a firm and definite coconut sweetness on the nose of the brew. The fact that it was toasted gave it a nutty aroma as well. Breadiness and some cocoa could also be readily noticed on the nose.
The Taste: Toasted coconut. Yum! You could tell an ample amount of fresh toasted coconut made its way into Maui’s offering. It came right to the edge of dominating but stopped right there. Breadiness and nut on the finish helped to pull the beer back around, while the chocolate qualities acted as the middle man in the brew. The very finish smacked of staled coffee grains, which almost made it seem like roasted barley or patent malt made their way into the brew.
Overall, This beer is smooth and very drinkable. Bottle or can–it’s a good beer. My wife is not a big coconut fan and really enjoyed this beer. Maybe you’ll enjoy it, too. And for $8.99 a six pack, it’s not a bad deal at all.
Mike’s Rating:
Overall Satisfaction:
Among other Spiced/Flavored beers:
Sounds like a different beer and probably something I’d enjoy, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t available out here. Its amazing how many different things can be made to work w/ beer!
I had many of these when I was in Hawaii two years ago and I really enjoyed it. At the time it was one of the only beers that I knew of being canned. I enjoyed it a great deal and I would love another shot at drinking it.
Hmm. I have seen this beer at my local store many times. I might have to pick it up.
Yes! It really is amazing to see the depth and versatility that beer is capable of handling. I would recommend grabbing some.
soo good. I’ve wanted some ever since I left Pasadena. Mike, bring a 4 pack with you?
I’ll see what sort of room I have in the suitcase. I’ve got to bring some Black Tuesday, 10 Commandments, homebrew, and a few others but I’ll try to devote a whole suitcase to beer I guess.