Delirium Noel | Sip With Us Saturday

If the sun must cloak itself in a tenebrous and depressing shroud of cloud, the lush green vegetation must fade to brown, and the temperature must drop to bone shattering lows, then at least we can extract some joy from the Christmas seasonal beers that are now replacing the proliferation of pumpkin ales on the [...]

Review of Wyeast Trappist, 3787

Disclaimer:  Even if you are not a homebrewer, this article is still worth reading, as it may improve your knowledge of beer and the flavors within. As Mike has stated before, ascertaining good information on a given yeast strain is hard to find .  Yes, one can search around on homebrewing forums; however, I find [...]

The Cost of Beer: Yeast

Continuing our series on factors (including grains and hops) that contribute to the higher cost of craft beers, let’s take a look at yeast.  There are many types of yeast that can be used in brewing.  Oftentimes, a brewer will use more than one yeast in a particular brew.  For instance, a lot of the [...]

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