The only thing that would have made this Matilda a more satisfying drinking experience, would be if Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman stopped by, kicked back their feet, had a few laughs, and enjoyed it with me. Seriously, as I said this great beer with a great story hits the spot regardless of the setting.
The Pour:
Pours a vivid orangish color, nearly the color of a Californian sunset. Extremely tiny bubles form thin streams in several places towards the edge of the glass. The head is minimal and dissipates quickly. This is a beautiful looking beer. It looks like it tastes good!
The Smell:
No doubt Belgian yeast is used here. There crisp green apples (a flavor I find common in Belgians, but that might just be me), oranges, and a slight clove flavor hit the nose. There is a mild and soothing sugary aroma…almost like a sucker.
The Taste:
There is a this beer than is typical than with style. Mixed with the crisp apple flavor that was present in the aroma, a slight dark rum flavor, grapes, and a flavor that reminded me of root beer, this beer offers a complexity not found in Goose Island’s typical line up. There is a strange yet appealing underlining hop bitterness not typical with type of beer, but compliments the fruitiness perfectly. All the while, despite being a thin bubbly beer, the mouth feel is exceedingly smooth, and the alcohol bite at the end reminds you that this beer packs a mild punch.
Nate’s Review:
Overall Satisfaction:
Among other Belgian Pale Ales:
I have to say Nate…I accidentally did the sip with us Saturday. I had a lay-over in Chicago when I came back from Spain. Guess what they have in the Goose Island brewpub. And it’s on tap. I’ve been dying to go there for some time but have never managed to have enough time (thanks missed flight). I was disappointed about what they had, but they did have Matilda and I drank it. Nice review.
I think that it is a very floral and Belgian style beer. It is very nice on tap.
[...] is the case with a great bastion in the craft brew industry, Goose Islands. We have lauded their Matilda and Bourbon County Stout in the past as “tremendous” beers. It is only fitting to pay [...]