After the Christmas rush, it’s always nice to relax. Luckily, it’s a three day weekend for those of you who don’t have a slave-driving boss. For others…well, I’m sorry. Relaxation is one of the most simple human pleasures possible. No amount of invention, business, or excitement can, in a sustainable way, match the sheer joy of doing nothing in particular. So, for this Saturday, join us in doing nothing particular by drinking a particular beer: Anchor Christmas Ale. For myself, I have a 50-ounce bottle that I plan to share with family. It is our sincerest hope that you have a very merry Christmas. Maybe you’ll enjoy the spirit of the season with us, at least in the virtual world. Otherwise, tell us what you are having; we’d love to know.

Looking forward to your thoughts on it. I also want to see a picture of this 50 ounce bottle.
I’ve never really cared for Our Special Ale, but I am thinking that a bottle of Two Turtle Doves will fit the bill for Christmas. My wife also bought me beer as a present, so something in that box might demand my immediate attention!
I’ve got a bottle that I’m just waiting to drink. Two Turtle Doves…need to sip it.
I always enjoy the Anchor as well as Deschutes Jubelale this time of year. They may not be extreme or aged in oak but they remind me of holiday’s past. I also shared a lovely bottle of Southern Tier Mokah. Of course, I am all for Two Turtle Doves too.
It just simple goodness. It’s okay sometimes to not have over-saturation.
I’ll be posting this before too long, guys. I was really bad about this one.