Anemic.  Perhaps this is one of the best ways to describe the job market.  Seriously, in my remembrance the job market has never beer worse.  Here I sit, with a couple of prospects and a Master’s degree but still out of work for the period of about three months.  Needless to say, many people are in desperate straits.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, or so the platitude goes.  I’m finally being forced into an idea I’ve had for a while but am wondering about the market viability.  Even if it doesn’t work as a full-time gig, perhaps I can eventually find a way to use it as supplemental income.

Let me frame it this way.  Do you know anybody that wants to learn to brew?  Maybe you know someone who is having a beer party. Could there be bars who need advice about what beers to stock?  Do they have employees who are underwhelming in their knowledge about beer in general?  Is there a market for this sort of thing?  These are the questions I’m struggling to answer.

So, here’s the deal.  With little to no cost to me at all, I’m thinking about trying to looking into try to consult for all things beer.  Of course, I’m reluctant to call myself an expert (I feel that term should be used very cautiously).  However, I feel I’m knowledgeable to competently help with all the above aspects of beer.

I know that this could seem like a self-serving post and I’m not digging for affirmation.  I am interested in opinions on this question. From your experience and knowledge, do you think there is a market for this sort of business?  Keep in mind that it wouldn’t have to all be in person.  What do you think?  Is beer achieving enough status to start being treated like wine already is?  I’d love some feedback.  Maybe this is a unique opportunity to do some beer education.